Microsoft Unleashes Their Value You Added Resellers On The Affordable Care Act (ACA)

At The Microsoft World Partner Conference At The George Brown Convention Center Houston, Texas USA (Global Newswire )
Microsoft Unleashes Their Value You Added Resellers On The Affordable Care Act (ACA)
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), commonly called Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act (ACA)
Houston ( AP ) At The Microsoft World Partner Conference Barron’s Medical Journal decided to discuss With Sam Houston Biotech Inc. Chief Information Officer B Graham to get some taughts on the conference. The Smile on Graham’s face when we mentioned Microsoft was so exciting. “We remember when we first received our Microsoft Partnership Agreement back in the mid-eighties. “
We are able to offer our customer state of the art products and services. Graham goes on to say that Microsoft should get back to the basic. When you contracted with a Microsoft Resale Partner your project was almost guaranteed to be completed on time and on budget. Now let’s take President Obama Affordable Health Care Act. There is a application where Microsoft and The Obama Administration can partner together to make life easy for so many Americans. For an example At Sam Houston Biotech Software we are have created several applications to assist companies with fifty or more employees with converting and deciding if the health care plan they already have is great or just pay the government the three thousand dollars and let thier employees purchase insurance in President Obama health insurance marketplaces.A health insurance marketplace,[1] previously known as health insurance exchange, is a set of government-regulated and standardized health care plans in the United States, from which individuals may purchase health insurance eligible for federal subsidies. All exchanges must be fully certified and operational by January 1, 2014, under federal law
Barron’s Medical Journal has discovered that The Obama Administration has brought in to help with the health insurance marketplace Chris Jennings a former aid for the Clinton Administration.Chris Jennings, a respected health care consultant who was a key health care official in the Clinton administration, is going to the White House to help the last push for Obamacare
Jennings has worked in the White House, on Capitol Hill and in the private sector and is well-respected in health policy circles. Enrollment in Obamacare health insurance exchanges begins Oct. 1, and coverage begins Jan. 1, but successful rollout faces many obstacles. Last week the employer mandate — the requirement that businesses with more than 50 workers cover their employees — was postponed for a year.Microsoft has to get back to their core Business Model. Not only did Microsoft sale products they were able to assist companies with the training and certifying consultant to walk in to a Company to ensure that the project is completed. One of the best products that Microsoft now has is the HealthVault. HealthVault allows you to keep all of your health records in Brought To You By Zeal
one place that's organized and available to you online. Keep track of all the details whether you're managing complex health issues or just want to stay on top of your family's wellness. Capture it once, use it again and again and never leave your health info stranded in single-purpose websites and apps again. HealthVault-connected apps are websites, computer software, and mobile apps that can help you get more out of your health information. With HealthVault, information you add in one app can be used by your other connected apps too. Track:• Medications• Allergies• Health history• Fitness• Blood pressure• Lab results• Conditions and illnesses• X-rays, scans, and other images• And many more kinds of health and wellness dataMicrosoft and Companies like Sam Houston Biotech Software can also help with the use of Big Data. Using Big Data Technology Scientists at Sam Houston Biotech can run algorithms that carry out what is effectively blind analysis of a gene database to reveal the inherent patterns therein, rather than showing correlations between preselected variables. Using Modern science business intelligence methods allow analysts to drill down into complex gene databases and find the answers to predetermined questions, but the emergent field of data science is concerned with finding the questions that should be asked of huge and often unstructured data in order to yield otherwise invisible results, such as what can stop breast cancer cells from reprogramming their metabolic pathways to meet their abnormal demands for proliferation and survival that causes oncogenes to create breast cancer Tumors. Genomics Science allows big data today to ask the right questions of the gene data. The power Sam Houston Biotech Software is its unique ability to automatically discover insights without asking questions. With this powerful Analytics Tools Scientist and Doctors can predict and pinpoint to when the breast cancer is going to enter the breast. There are increasing evidences to support that oncoproteins directly reprogram the metabolism of breast cancer cells, and make them addict to certain metabolic pathways. Therefore, the signaling pathways controlling the altered metabolism in breast cancer cells are attractive targets for cancer therapy. Like the Warburg effect, alteration of lipid metabolism is another nearly ubiquitous change in tumor cells. lipid metabolism in breast cancer cells. The increased de novo lipogenesis in breast cancer cells a major cause for all concerned in creating a breast cancer prevention model. Genomics has yielded unprecedented results in the breast cancer, Comparative big data gene-expression analyses on primary breast tumors and lymph node metastases have indicated that, metastases have very similar expression signatures compared with their parent tumors. Detailed analyses have also revealed that a number of genes are consistently differentially expressed between primary tumors and metastases and that metastases often show a greater variety of aberrations than the Primary tumor. At the chromosomal level, even greater differences have been described between primary breast tumors and their derived metastases. Dose exists. In general, all of these studies showed that metastases harbor more and also new aberrations that could not be found in the corresponding primary tumors. These results imply that the clonal evolution of a tumor is more complex than would be predicted by linear models, highlighting the importance of investigating distant metastases as the end point of the metastatic cascade. Obesity is associated with increased breast cancer risk, especially among postmenopausal women. Alcohol shows an increased risk of breast cancer associated with alcohol consumption. The inherited genetic profile of an individual influences susceptibility to mutagens and growth factors, which initiate or promote the carcinogenic process, is known for genetic syndromes in breast cancers.The Next way Microsoft and The Obama Administration can help each other is Electronic Medical Records. Microsoft partners Glostream for their Electronic Medical Records Software along Sam Houston Biotech Consultants. Use of electronic medical records (EMR) for Breast Cancer Oncology outcomes research: assessing the comparability of EMR information to patient registry and health claims data.Being The 1st and only Breast Cancer EMR Software is a product our entire Team is happy that our work product is going to save breast cancer patients and extend their life. GenNXeix gloStream is the only EMR company that offers a 15-Day Money Back Success Guarantee. We guarantee that if we can't get you back to full patient load within 15 clinic days of implementing , we'll provide a full refund for all Sam Houston gloStream software and services. With GenNXeix gloStream you can be confident that your EMR purchase will help your business succeed and won't cause it to falter. Doctors considering EMR software and thinking about whether they will qualify for stimulus funding must be certain that the systems they choose are certified and stimulus ready. You can be confident that gloEMR from GenNXeix gloStream will qualify for stimulus funding because we guarantee it. In fact, GenNXeix gloStream will refund the software costs for any eligible professional who goes through our exclusive gloDNA process, and then finds themself unable to qualify as a meaningful user and acquire stimulus funding. The unique combination of GenNXeix gloStream certified software and our exclusive gloDNA process ensures that doctors always have the tools and knowledge needed to achieve truly meaningful use - today, and well into the future. Sam Houston after researching breast cancer to assess the utility of using EMR data in population-based cancer research by comparing a database of EMRs from community oncology clinics against Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) cancer registry data and two claims databases (Medicare and commercial claims). Demographic, clinical, and treatment patterns in the EMR, SEER, Medicare, and commercial claims data were compared using six tumor sites: breast, lung/bronchus, head/neck, colorectal, prostate, and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL). We identified various challenges in data standardization and selection of appropriate statistical procedures. We describe the patient and clinic inclusion criteria, treatment definitions, and consideration of the administrative and clinical purposes of the EMR, registry, and claims data to address these challenges. Sex and 10-year age distributions of patient populations for each tumor site were generally similar across the data sets. We observed several differences in racial composition and treatment patterns, and modest differences in distribution of tumor site. We calculated treated proportions of patients by dividing the number of patients receiving ambulatory therapy by the total number of patients with the specific cancer diagnosis. Given the large sample sizes from the databases evaluated, traditional tests of significance resulted in statistically significant findings, even for small absolute differences. Therefore, we focused on descriptive comparisons and used Cohen’s w effect size (ES) with a pooled standard deviation to assess the importance of observed differences. This qualitative measure is not based on a rigorous hypothesis-testing framework and does not have a probabilistic interpretation such as a P-value obtained from standard methods. While the ES interpretation depends on the subject matter, Cohen classified the magnitude of the ES as small (w = ~0.1), medium (w = ~0.30), and large (w = ~0.50).25,26 A large proportion of data was missing for race (40%) and tumor stage (~70%) in the EMR records. The largest percentage of missing stage data (97%) was observed for NHL. Given that NHL treatment is determined mainly by subtype and pathology (not stage), this missing data trend was understandable. When these two categories were excluded, the proportion missing for stage was 63%. Text fields were not analyzed to determine whether they contained missing stage information. We selected a hot-deck method to impute missing data,27 and compared this method against two other regression-based imputation procedures.28–30 We also evaluated the model prediction properties of hot-deck imputation by applying it to records with known values. Sociodemographic information (2000 US Census) was incorporated into the imputation models. Pre- and post-imputation marginal distributions were compared to evaluate similarity in data sets and were found to be comparable to distributions of data among records with complete information for race and stage. An evaluation of the performance of the hot-deck procedure under a simple missing data mechanism that compared imputed and observed data was also conducted. Only post-imputed data comparisons are presented. SEER provided the largest number of patient records (331,427). There were 60,255 unique records in Medicare and 32,357 and 16,427 records in the EMR and commercial claims, respectively. Several differences were observed in overall tumor site distributions. Excluding the “other tumors” category, the largest proportion of patients had prostate cancer in Medicare, and the largest proportion of patients had breast cancer in the other three databases. In the oncology EMR data, >25% of the cancer patient records had breast tumors – nearly 7% more than the proportion in SEER – while Medicare had the lowest fraction (8%). The EMR had the highest percentage of lung cancer and NHL patients; proportions of patients with CRC or head/neck tumors were generally comparable across all databases. Prostate cancer was noticeably under-represented in the EMR, likely because prostate cancer patients are treated primarily by urologists. Big data and Cloud computing. Companies can bring their your own device. All of these converging technology trends demand a response from IT. But more importantly, these are real opportunities for IT to deliver more efficiencies and new value. Opportunities to reduce the cost and complexity of running datacenters at scale. To draw insights from any data. To support employees wherever they work across whatever device. To create new business applications and transform existing ones. Microsoft’s approach allows IT to get all the benefits of scale, speed, and agility while still protecting existing investments. This means IT can now rapidly build and deploy applications, flexibly manage IT services, and support real-time analytics across all forms of data. • Transform the datacenter• Enable modern business applications• Empower people-centric IT• Unlock insights on any dataMicrosoft management team can inspire this years World Partner Conference to ad value to their customer and let their customer know that their projects that involve health care can be completed on time and on budget using Microsoft and it’s partners all over the globe.
